Year in Focus 2018

October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018


Grant Programs

  • Altogether 24 grant programs to the U.S.: 11 for students, 7 for researchers, 6 for professionals. Altogether 29 grant programs to Finland: 8 for students, 17 for researchers and 4 for professionals and specialists.
  • (39 Finnish grantees, 48 U.S. grantees)
  • Over EUR 1,33 million awarded as grants, co-sponsored grants included


Fulbright Finland Statistics 2018

  • Approximately 5 300 client contacts in total, event participants included, out of which over 1 200 Fulbright Speaker program participants. 44 % of all contacts, event participants included, were international educational professionals.
  • 77 information sessions, seminars, conferences, and Fulbright Speaker Program sessions throughout Finland
  • Website: 234 600 page views and 73 200 website visitors.
  • Fulbright Finland News magazines: printed circulation 1 600 and digital reach over 2 700.
  • Social media followers: Facebook 2 656; Twitter 901; Instagram 405; LinkedIn 312; YouTube 8 587 views

Core Funding (partnership awards not included)

  • 76 % from Finland (Trust Fund, Finnish government, private foundations, Finnish universities, other)
  • 24 % from the United States (16 % the U.S. government, 8 % other)