Dialogue Leads to Professional Improvement
I had no idea what it would mean to me personally and professionally to come to Finland as a Fulbright Specialist. My experience as a Finland Fulbrighter changed me professionally by informing me of pedagogical practices that would improve my teaching at the university level as I design and deliver online instruction. I witnessed the integration of pedagogy into every presentation and course design in which I participated — from the Fulbright Orientation to Grade 6 practice teacher. This reminded me that pedagogy should be integral and intentional for education to be done well. As a professional who focuses on teacher preparation, I attribute my experience as a Finland Fulbrighter to instilling in me the renewed purpose to infuse pedagogy into the life and work of every special educator and classroom teacher who enrolls in my university courses.
Another way my experience as a Finland Fulbrighter changed me professionally was by giving me a voice. I have never felt as valued and as listened to as a professional and as a person. I am so impressed by how sincerely interested and committed the educators in Finland are to learning and engaging in dialogue that leads to professional improvement. The conversations I had with Finnish educators gave me confidence that I could never have achieved as a professional without this experience.
Finally, my experience in Finland changed me professionally by giving me the opportunity to witness first-hand what I have heard about education in Finland for the past 15 years. By seeing Finnish education with my own eyes, I have the professional responsibility to spread the good word about what we could be doing in the USA to incorporate a research-to-practice model that works so well in Finland. Although not everything can transfer directly across cultures, the one thing that makes sense to me is to at least examine more closely the research that is coming out of Finland related to Dyslexia and Literacy. This research could make an important difference in education in the USA.
The Finnish Work-Life Balance
I grew personally while in Finland through the friendships I made. I honestly felt that every person I met deposited a token of wellbeing, kindness, and value into me as a person. I still marvel at how quickly I formed relationships with the other Finland Fulbrighters. I am sure it was no accident, because one of the things I learned about Finnish people is that everything is intentional and purposeful.
I noticed how my colleagues in Finland had a healthy work-life balance, and I wanted to bring that home with me. Their examples made me believe it is possible for me, too. I started practicing some new behaviors while I was in Finland related to wellness and work-life balance. I find it difficult to describe how invigorating this has been for me. It is as if just being in Finland gave me permission to be my best self.
Finland is part of me now. Being a Fulbright Finland alum adds a dimension to my identity that I did not know was missing. Because of Fulbright Finland, I am a better professional and a better person.
Read the whole Fulbright Finland News magazine 2/2018!