Birgitta Guest House for female students

Birgitta Guest House

Accommodation option for female students that is located at the Catholic Church in the Turku City Centre.
"I quickly found out that this was a very accepting space for those not religiously affiliated. Though you can attend the Church services, they are not mandatory for students. The nuns are very kind and accommodating to the female students and didn't make me feel uneasy about studying colonization. They genuinely want to help and check in with us. I even had one check that I had made friendships with other people knowing I was from out of the country. Not once has religion or church been mentioned which could be the main concern of someone wanting to stay here. The rooms are furnished with a bed, a desk with a chair, another chair, and wardrobes for your stuff. There is also your own bathroom in the room. The kitchen is shared with nine other female students, but I've found this to be very helpful in learning Finnish culture and getting to know other people. The only possible downside is that it's a thirty minute walk to UTU campus, but there is public transit and biking to make that quicker. I also like the walk because of the scenery along the river and through the city center.  The area overall is very nice. I am very close to the city center, but far enough away that it's quiet and perfect for studying. I highly recommend this to female students at Turku. It's a unique experience, an affordable living situation, and a good way to tap into a unique part of Finnish culture."

Fulbright Fellow 2019-2020
Birgitta Guest House for female students

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